Paving my way through life in the manner that suits my family the most. This, is the blog of the once a teen, whom went through hard knocks upon adolescence, and have today ended up being one of the norms. The woman, the employee, the mother, the daughter and the wife, and oh, the sister. I am, the lady next door. I am, DIABOLICEEN.
4 testified:
Hey you..! Hepi anniversary!!.. moga2 god bless both of u.. Hope ur relationship keep grow and grow.. until ke jinjang pelamin.. hhehe..
p/s : kira yang 1st year la ni ek.. hehe.. so sweet! :P
heheheh tima kasih riena! insya allah, kalau ade rezeki, ade jodoh, ape salahnye kaaann...hahaahhaha
nak kawin nanti ajak ok!
hehehhe semestinya cik faiza... hehehe
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