Friday, July 25, 2008

iPhone gempak? much for bragging..eventhough this article has been a year old, i still feel it's good to know...i'm NOT a fan of Mac products. i don't have iPod, nor iPhone, nor Apple computers. you know why? coz i personally think it's a freakin waste of money. luxurious entertainment gadget.

ape gune beli handphone mahal2, memory card besar babi smue, pastu tak fully utilize?
lagi pon nak gune utk ape iPod smue ni? gi office utk buat KERJA, kalau bosan, internet ade, surf la, free lagi. nak dgr dlm train? lagu yg disumbat dlm memory card handphone pooon bole cover jauh perjalanan. nak dgr dlm plane? kat plane tu ade jukebox, movies, drama, radio channels. ape jadah?

technology is rapidly changing, everybody knows that. so why waste ur bloody money for these gadgets? kalau people yg have sumthing to do with graphic design etc tu faham la nape perlukan Apple. dah mmg Apple specially catered sbnarnye utk this profession. yg lain, perlu ke?

tak kooottt.....nak sgt kan beli iPod smue tu, beli Shuffle sudah, takde membazir duit.
ni la org malaysia. harga minyak ape smue naik, marah. nak beli gadgets yg tak semena2 bole plak keluar duit. mane tak org luar stereotype, sampai kate "Malaysians still live up on the trees", despite our "advanced technology, infrastructure, cyber-architecture" blablabla. mane taknye pon, smue yg gempak tu bukan dtg dari sel otak malaysians, byk dtg dari foreigners, pastu malaysians nak sombong bongkak. mane tak negara luar senang2 nak kasi malaysia ni huru-hara. in addition to that, kita ni tak habis2 ngan politics. org luar SENYUM bai, i repeat, SENYUM serupa Joker sbb tgk kita bergado same sendiri. pastu diorg pon suka la konon sokong this party la, that party la..diorg pikir jauh beb, buat mcm tu skit je, kelam-kabut manusia2 kat negara ni.

ha kan dah. from technology to politics. this is what Malaysians lack on; Systems Thinking. igt systems thinking ni within organizations and business operations je ke? blaja tinggi2, tapi...

ISH. grow up.

10 testified:

Anonymous said...

hahah i pon ada ipod shuffle 4g..gila kesian..and i seldom use it. well im not a hi-tech person. fone pon beli sidekick yg sgt basic kegunaannya..alarm pon x der! hahahah the best part dlm msia aku sorang je guna! cehhhhwahh tp iphone 3g mmg cunlah. tp i x suka touch screen. hurmmm dunia makin materialistic!

d|aBoL|c e'En said...

hahahahha saye jealous ngan sidekick kamu! been eyeing it for yeaarrsss tapi kesian saye,mcm mane nak beli.. uhhuuu....

of course, dunia mmmg makin materialistic...tapi kalau org2 ni tak complain takpe, ni dah la nak jadi materialistic, pastu complain memanjang..haih...

yg kaye makin kaye, yg susah makin susah...ape nak jadi...

Anonymous said...

jadi gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahah

RienaxHarith said...

aku kalu nk beli something aku rasa perlu beli.. aku beli. Aku skang ni freak ngan Mac Laptop. Tu sahaje. And becoz why pun, ko tau apa sebabnye aku freak gile ngan Mac. But if u said need to buy iphone, ipod or what eva pun better aku beli shuffle mp3 tu as long aku leh dgr. Tp aku rasa time zaman bujang leh la beli, tp da hidup family ni, need to cut all those this shit things, u know, waste ur money...mcm iphone pun sometime aku rasa menggile gak nk beli, bcoz ada related ngan mac.. but, bile aku pk balik.. if aku da ada laptop mac, why should i buy the iphone.. tul tak. Coz facilities die sama je. kan..kan..

Kite yg hidup sederhana, buat hidup sederhana. takyah nk tunjuk lagak yg ko beli benda2 yg membazir duit ko, and for yg hidup senang tu, buat2 la berjimat sbb duit tu takleh bawak ke kubur pun. Belanje utk benda2 yg berfaedah dan gune utk beramal pun da cukup. ;)

d|aBoL|c e'En said...

hah thank u riena for being on the same boat. of course, aku faham la why u need an Apple, dah kate tu kau nye profession...

if only we had tons of money kan riena? (mcm si dott ni ha! hehehhe bawak bersabar dott!) cam dott ni pon byk duit gi blaja kat tmpt ade kualiti utk kerja di malaysia..ha, pikir jauh..

bagus la kawan2 saye ni. :)

Anonymous said...

oit ngumpat i, hahaha

d|aBoL|c e'En said...

bukan ngumpat, memujiiii... hik hik!

Jacque Le Coq Grande said...

Dude, jangan la begitu. Saya suka Apple. Pernah juga meng-loan-kan iPod dan juga iTrip kepada awak. Semestinya best waktu itu. Dan waktu itu sama seperti waktu sekarang. Saya masih tidah bekerja seperti waktu dulu. Malang sekali, masa telah merubah keadaan. Kita tidak lagi seperti dulu. Kita tidak seakrab dahulu. Kita hanya menjadi kenangan terindah seperti yang dinyanyikan oleh band Indo Samsons, walaupun hanya tajuk lagu saja yang appropriate kerana kalau mengikut lagu itu, agaknya salah seorang kena meninggal dunia. Tidak mengapa. Kehidupan diteruskan juga. Yang penting, bottomline, Apple is Cool. (Tapi yea, tidak mampu.) Yesza, jobless.


d|aBoL|c e'En said...

aaaa tapi u kene igt my dear Anas..
mase u bagi i pakai ur iPod tu, u yg suruh i simpankan, correct? hehehehehhee

plus, mase u beli tu, u bought urself, AND mase tu u tak pernah complain pasal price of everything else going up. correct? cooorreecctt....

one thing ur not right about. we ARE still akrab, cume jarang jumpa :) jgn la begitu, hanye kerana kamu telah bertemu syakira dan selalu jumpe die tak bermakne kurang akrab friendship kita, ok?

ur still the buddy i appreciate having, since the days of my EPIC DRAMA, back in 2003. :)
wah dah lame ye kita berkawan! hehe

d|aBoL|c e'En said...
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