Monday, August 06, 2007

:: a HaPpY dAy :) ::

class was we have a "bigger" family..there are 8 of us doing the same level hooray!
well, the boring part was that we started LESSON 1, and already gotten ourselves the first assignment, dued (ade such word ke eh?) THIS FRIDAY..ya rabi tak kesian langsung k...

oh yes, i got a new keycard! yeay! no more shit ass problems with the apartment's doors anymore! kehkehkehkehkeh

ok here's the greatest part...


ya allah! tuhan je tau happy camne k! soooo....i'll be going home somewhere in the 1st week of November with mom... hehe :)

Oh ya, mom's planning to go to Hong Kong Disneyland somewhere in December..hehe...

i'm happy! yeay! and one more thing.. no more classes til 5 p.m.!!! yeehaaa!!
so friends, if u would wanna reach me, u could do so after 12.30 p.m. Malaysian time okiee??
Posted on by d|aBoL|c e'En | 1 comment

1 testified:

Jacque Le Coq Grande said...

i am sitting in the office, listening to marcell's ever so meaningful firasat song, reading your blog, reminiscing bout the past few weeks, that may, or may not include you and i have to admit, yes i do miss you without a doubt. :) i shall keep on reading, for this may be the only way to replace the outings. Honestly, i'm sleepy as hell. Dont mind me. Hehe.