Tuesday, August 02, 2005


ok i've just read the news today...
there was this article about guys getting breast reduction surgeries...
Somewhere in the europe, there are about 150 men having this surgery because their "breast" had "fats"....hahah funny ain't it...

the article also says that there was a "mammary" gland found inside their breasts...
take note that this "gland" are the ones found ONLY in women, which actually enables them to produce breast milk...it says that these hormones were found excessively in tap water and fast food...Tap water coz it says there were a lot contraceptive pills dissolved in it, and fast food coz chicken nowadays were injected with hormones to make them bigger...

WAAHLLAAUUWWEEIIHH!! meaning now guys can have breasts milk and get pregnant! hahahaha! attention women, get ur men pregnant! weehoooo!!!
So, i think that's the most eye-catching news for today! hahahah

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