Yup there u go..the memorable events...i miss everyone so much...
i'm so stressed up...banyak sgt keje..i have like daily assignments, and 12 major ones which is like dued a week apart from each...ya allah bagi la semangat..padan muke, buat masters lagi...
sayang, i miss u so much...tunggu i balik k...pastu kite gi futsal k?! uwaaa...
i was so emotional when papa left...he was giving me all these "kata2 semangat" which led me to tears..yes sayang, i will be strong...mami, thank u so much for your prayers..i'm sorry i had to leave u all alone at home..i luv u mami...sayang, i dok dgr so7 ngan satu hati..bagi i semangat ari2 nak gi class... :)
i've gained weight i believe...makan tak sudah2 sebab sejuk nak mati...i spent like 500 freakin dollars on shopping, oh MADNESS! hahaha...gile spoilt..whatever!...i need the therapy ok haha..
summer just said its goodbyes 3 days ago..autumn is kickin in..mati aku...
during summer, i've witnessed sumthin beyond my imagination...CLEAR BLUE SKY...
during the day, it's all BLUE..nothing else..it's like a beautiful painting...at night, its sooo beautiful, stars shone so brightly...my place is just picturesque..perfect...i'm all burnt, summer nye pasal...
oh ya...it's like a jungle down here..there's kookabura, which is a bird that laughs like a monkey, LITERALLY, babi terkejut everytime jln gi class ya allah..there are wild rabbits running around, fox pon ade ok! AND paling BEST..one morning, i was having breakfast, and there were two beautiful parrots at my balcony! one red+blue, the other green+blue..ya allah jakun gile tgk binatang tuh terbang sekali ngan buruk gagak sini (gagak sini besar nak mampos, warna putih atas n hitam bawah)...ya allah memang pelik...petang2 best, sebab i can go jogging around the lake...tapi baru buat sekali..hehe..i'm too occupied man.. hari2 pon exhausted...
i made freinds with sooo many people..so far paling rapat are Nicole (local, my housemate, the one in pink stripes in the pic), Jess (a Kiwi, somehwhat local,my housemate, the one in red hood), Pumi (Sri Lankan, the first who met me and showed me around, also my housemate), Sai (Singaporean guy, best sebab bole kutuk in BM haha), Soo Young (Japanese, been residing in OZ for like 3 years).. then there are a few others..Amanda, Sally, Daisy, Utaka, Sayaka, Edel, Sandi, King, Kid, Raven dan ramai lagi..hehe.. Jaycee (Malaysian, woohoo!) and Jeff (Chinese) are my coursemates (yes, kitorg 3 org je), Joy, Oak, Bharav(kot?) and Alice are my seniors in the same course...they're all helpful..
My lecturers are freakin cool..There's Terry (an English guy who has been residing in OZ for a lil over 20 years), his wife, Carole, Jill (super cool), Marg (a bit strict) and Yvette (the funkiest lecturer ever!)...Terry is super cool..he lepaks with me mase break, siap bole isap rokok with me kat luar dan duduk atas tiles sambil borak2 ok! hahaha...the others smue best la basically.. they want us to call them by their first names, buat cam member...mmg best...
oi panjangnye entry..i guess that's about it...hope to go through my first semester well and try as much to save up on my allowances...nak simpan duit dalam bank and accumulate interests banyak2 nak mati so that banyak duit extra boleh balik! woohooo!! tapi lambat sgt lagi la kan, unfortunately..oh well...time passes by...i won't let papa and mami down, insya allah...
pray 4 me u guys...much luv...alhamdulillah for all these opportunities...i should start my coming days with bismillah...ya allah, help me through...
3 testified:
E'enn.... glad to see you're havin fun there sweetheart..!! you cracked me up about the bird yang nyanyi cam monyet tu.. hahahaahah seriously! kelakar giler.. Nice kan having experience different stuffs.. and faculty n cafe all to you guys yang buat masters.. wayyyy cooolll shial!! and shopping! JELES TAU JELES!!
Anyway.. have a great time and take care ya! muuahh!
glad to know u r doing A-OK. About the shopping, melbourne memang la haven untuk shopping.. dh kata the most fashionable city in Oz. Have fun with ur studies and god bless on ur shopping. Jangan lupe bile mooks dan onitsuka banyak2. *Cheers*
eeeii babes..not fair! time i duduk on campus takde pun cantik camtuh..hahha..cu on saturday. itu pun kalau u free kan..susah2 i dtg melbourne. u take care babes...hugz
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