Saturday, March 19, 2005

a MoMeNt oF s|LeNcE...

Without realizing...sumtimes we think too much, wonder too much, questioning too much...
Most of the time, life has been really simple and's us ourselves who made it a hassle...
My significant other used to tell me, "Things happen only when u allow them to happen"... On which, so far, has never been more true...

I've also realized that everytime I pray for something, it will never come to me as I hoped it to... What I'm trying to say is that I do, of course often have my prays come true, but it doesn't appear as if it is a good thing if u see and think of it naively.. U often "feel" that bad luck has been cursed upon u, but actually when u think of WHY it happened... VOALA! it's actually an answer to ur prayer! It's just a matter of time that u open up ur heart and mind to really understand what was the cause for these things happening around u! See, GOD is fair!

So my dear friends...
I suggest that u start opening up to urselves...and who knows... u might just have a new perogative, well, that's what I have now... :) n everything has been tremendously kind and beautiful to me...

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