Wednesday, January 28, 2009

:: Sharifah Khairiyah ::

I know i've not spent a lot of time with u, khair...
No, i'm not gonna use "work", or "health" or "boyfriend" as excuse(s)...
I know, has been my fault on not sparing that 2-quality-minutes of my time just to say hi or asking u out for an afternoon cuppa....

I hope Sydney will treat u well...
Please do sms me ur Aussie number a.s.a.p. ok?

Have fun, break a leg..eventhough it's work :) I'm sure you'll have tons of stories to tell us...
Hope to see u my little midget, soon, come April 24th...or maybe 6 months from now....

I will always miss u, and yes, I will always be there for u, just like how u were there for me during my times in Melbourne...

Thank you for being an angel...have a safe trip Khair.


yours sincerely,
The one u guys nicked "SuperBrain" *wink*
Posted on by d|aBoL|c e'En | 2 comments

2 testified:

K said...

i love u.
a whole lot..
i swear.

d|aBoL|c e'En said...

and it has always been those simple words u utter that had me all teared up...

thank u khair :)