Sunday, October 28, 2007

:: tHe NeVeReNd|nG ::

we can never get what we want...
god has better plans for us...
everything happens for a reason...

The old, simple i wish things could just be that simple...
would definitely make my life a hell lot easier...

Tomorrow's our final presentation day/Board Meeting/Industry Network proposal....
i've not rehearsed, therefore i should do it soon...
oh ya, daylight savings starts today, so i'm 3 hours ahead...boorriinnggg....

i've been a bit emotional today...overwhelmed i guess...
how i wish i could forward my life and not go through obstacles of adolescence and maturity...
how i wish i don't have to strive so hard for everything...
or maybe i was just overdoing it....

tuhan kuatkanlah semangatku...through highs and and downs....
help me be thankful for what i have...
help me to embrace the paths that u've set for me...
help me to not become a fiasco...
Posted on by d|aBoL|c e'En | 2 comments

2 testified: said...

when i read ur entry ni een, i just smiled to myself.
not a cynical smile, or anything along that line.
but i smiled because i know exactly how u feel, i smiled because i know im not alone..
n therefore u arent either.
u have me, n i have u.
ups n downs, highs n here for u..

d|aBoL|c e'En said...

thank u fiza....a lot.... *sob