hah...so much for bragging..eventhough this article has been a year old, i still feel it's good to know...i'm NOT a fan of Mac products. i don't have iPod, nor iPhone, nor Apple computers. you know why? coz i personally think it's a freakin waste of money. luxurious entertainment gadget.
ape gune beli handphone mahal2, memory card besar babi smue, pastu tak fully utilize?
lagi pon nak gune utk ape iPod smue ni? gi office utk buat KERJA, kalau bosan, internet ade, surf la, free lagi. nak dgr dlm train? lagu yg disumbat dlm memory card handphone pooon bole cover jauh perjalanan. nak dgr dlm plane? kat plane tu ade jukebox, movies, drama, radio channels. ape jadah?
technology is rapidly changing, everybody knows that. so why waste ur bloody money for these gadgets? kalau people yg have sumthing to do with graphic design etc tu faham la nape perlukan Apple. dah mmg Apple specially catered sbnarnye utk this profession. yg lain, perlu ke?
tak kooottt.....nak sgt kan beli iPod smue tu, beli Shuffle sudah, takde membazir duit.
ni la org malaysia. harga minyak ape smue naik, marah. nak beli gadgets yg tak semena2 bole plak keluar duit. mane tak org luar stereotype, sampai kate "Malaysians still live up on the trees", despite our "advanced technology, infrastructure, cyber-architecture" blablabla. mane taknye pon, smue yg gempak tu bukan dtg dari sel otak malaysians, byk dtg dari foreigners, pastu malaysians nak sombong bongkak. mane tak negara luar senang2 nak kasi malaysia ni huru-hara. in addition to that, kita ni tak habis2 ngan politics. org luar SENYUM bai, i repeat, SENYUM serupa Joker sbb tgk kita bergado same sendiri. pastu diorg pon suka la konon sokong this party la, that party la..diorg pikir jauh beb, buat mcm tu skit je, kelam-kabut manusia2 kat negara ni.
ha kan dah. from technology to politics. this is what Malaysians lack on; Systems Thinking. igt systems thinking ni within organizations and business operations je ke? blaja tinggi2, tapi...
ISH. grow up.
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