Friday, November 24, 2006

UtMoSt GoOd Fa|tH?...

have u ever felt shitty of revealing the gruesome truth?...
how do i get to this....

one fine day..u feel that it's just not fair 4 an innocent being being lied to...
but to interfere is just, what to do?...shut up n leave..or get ur mouth into talking?

and i cleverly chose to get my mouth moving in sequence with certain shapes, while pouring out my voice to create some communication to be understood by the person concerned...yes, i TALKED...but failed to justify the infinite truth...coz somehow i was scared n bailed half-way..
yes, KILL ME..please starting to hate myself overtime..wait, not to worry..i AM leaving soon...

here comes the best part...i know how to teach a person to make a GOOD tea...i gave a teabag, some sugar and a spoon...what's missing is H2O, teabag's brand, and some significant stirring...THAT IS ALL...turns out, my ingredients weren't good enuf...
God this is hard...

well i guess someday, the teabag's brand will be revealed..if the person being taught is hardworking enuf to try all the brands available at the nearest supermarket...and i don't think finding H2O is a problem...and i don't think stirring takes a lot of manpower...

I surrender to my will...i hand this dreadful responsibilty to God...i don't know what to do...
i'll put my sentences to halt...


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